Denise Ford|Reading Master|learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| ESL | phonics| reading recovery| home schooling| Master Reading| phonetics| English as a second language

Denise Ford|Reading Master|learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| ESL | phonics| reading recovery| home schooling| Master Reading| phonetics| English as a second language

Denise Ford|Reading Master|learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| ESL | phonics| reading recovery| home schooling| Master Reading| phonetics| English as a second language

Denise Ford|Reading Master|learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| ESL | phonics| reading recovery| home schooling| Master Reading| phonetics| English as a second language

Your child has a better chance in life if he or she can read well - give the gift of reading!

Learn to read with phonics and master spoken English with Reading Master

Finally - reading tools designed to work the way your brain naturally learns!

ReadingMaster uses 27 books constructed from a common library of 350 true to life base images, to associate with the 400 key words that make up 65% of all books and the 70 spellings of the 44 sounds in the spoken English language that will help you learn to read with phonics.
Reading Master is an Export Award winning innovation assisting all ages to learn to read with phonics and master spoken English. The Company behind it has been in existence since 1995 and to date has sold more than 1.6 million physical books. - The iBooks are now here!
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