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A note from the system developers

Our names are Denise and Grant Ford and we were once parents of young children to.  Like every new parent we equipped ourselves to raise our children as best we could from the experience of others and the educational theories of our time. However as inexperienced as we believed we were, we soon discovered that parents are the first, best teachers of their children. It is now obvious that no one is more attuned to a child than her mother (or primary care giver).

We also now know that much we had been led to believe about the learning abilities of all of the children around us and across the world (where similar observations were taking place) hopelessly underestimated their ability. In the first years of life your child is either asleep or learning. Our own children’s learning was only limited by our ability to make learning available to them. This led us to witness to the truth of the quotes on this site, and to develop the set of learning tools that enable childern to learn to read with phonics and whole word recognition, linked to true-to-life images of the real world and the sounds of spoken English; phonics,  that are now the Reading Master system.

There is no time that your child is learning more than between the ages of birth to eight and we must claim these first vital years for their and our future.

You don’t need to impart all the knowledge of the world before they can walk. This would be impossible. Just be aware that your child’s mind is like a dry sponge - ready and absorbent. It can take in fact just as easily as it can take in fantasy. Make sure that useful information is being soaked up in these early years. We believe there is no one educational method that will work for all children. We also believe in making things that work, work even better, together. Therefore we have integrated the teachings of leading educators, including Glen Doman and Maria Montessori into an accelerated learning format in the belief that children who learn early, 'a little bit about a lot' , grow up to know a 'lot about a lot'. These already proven methods are, therefore, not new. However our experiences in combining them as young parents in this technological age are. Your child can learn spoken English and to learn to read with phonics quite simply of the material is presented the way the brain works and when the brain is naturally receptive to the learning.

learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| Grant Ford
learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| Denise Ford
learn to read with phonics| spoken English| Reading Master| ESL | phonics| reading recovery| home schooling
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