Important Research Links
For information on ADD released by the British Columbia Ministry of Education
For information on dyslexia Neuroscience for Kids
For information on autism The Option Institute (Massachusetts)
For information on gifted children The National Association for Gifted Children
For information on phonics in NZ schools New Zealand Education Review Office
For information on Literacy and Numeracy in 4-6 yr olds see New Zealand Education Review Office ("However, what four year olds are taught in the year before they start school is increasingly recognized as important for preparing children to learn more formally," says Chief Review Officer Dr Judith Aitken.)
For information on Literacy see Report of the Literacy Taskforce on ("By 2005, every child turning nine will be able to read, write, and do maths for success.")
For information on nature versus nurture see Studies by The Early Childhood Initiative at the University of Chicago
For information on brain research see Studies by Peter Hutternlocher, Professor in Pediatarics, Neurology and the Committee on Neurobiology, state that "the brain's ability to process different kinds of stimuli varies greatly from birth through adolescence")
Additional research available
Education Week (on the web - USA)
New Zealand Herald (on-line archives)
Other Educational Resource Sites:
www.splashesfromtheriver.com - Home schooling English Grammar resources