Intelligence Types

Nine intelligences adapted from the works of Tony Buzan/ Raymond Keefe -1994
CREATIVE INTELLIGENCE .................................
This is that type of intelligence that is predisposed toward having new ideas or new composite ideas usually through a more explosive or spontaneous thought process.
IN THE CREATIVELY GIFTED CHILD this facet of intelligence can be seen in the child producing multiple solutions to a given problem, thinking independently of peers, adults and role models and the child's ability to improvise often. It may also be indicated through the classic creative abilities in art or music and a general inventiveness although some creatively gifted children who are unhappy with their own drawing or musical efforts (no matter how competent) may refrain from displaying an artistic, musical or inventiveness that is not up to their high standards. An original sense of humor, independent thinking, multiple solution problem solving and a tendency to improvise are more reliable indicators of 'Talent' in this intelligence area.
This is that type of intelligence most closely associated with self confidence and self esteem. to Quote Buzan and Keene's "Book of Genius", "It is about having a good mental model or map of yourself, and being able to operate with an accelerated learning curve on the basis of that knowledge" IN THE INTRA-PERSONALLY GIFTED CHILD there is an independence and self confidence evident when tackling almost any situation. Additionally these children are comfortable in themselves and therefore observant and interested in the people and things around them. There is an accuracy of self capability reporting - "I can do that" is usually an accurate statement even for previously unseen experiences. Similarly "I can't do that" should be taken seriously and appropriate support provided.
VERBAL INTELLIGENCE.......................................
This type of intelligence along with LOGICAL intelligence is one of the two intelligences tested for in traditional IQ testing. Children with this form of intelligence usually do well in traditional school environments. However children in the top 5% of this intelligence type will usually be frustrated in a non-accelerated school environment. VERBAL intelligence is the label but it applies to children who express themselves well in all forms of written and spoken communication. THE VERBALLY GIFTED CHILD has a large vocabulary that he or she uses skillfully and accurately. These children are able to express their ideas originally and compellingly and draw on an extensive library of information gathered from their extensive reading that encompasses material written for an older age group in their interest areas. These children usually read from very early ages.
LOGICAL INTELLIGENCE...................................
This type of intelligence is the one involved with mathematical and numeric ability. It is the other type of intelligence most tested for in traditional IQ tests along with VERBAL intelligence. Again traditional schools select for this kind of intelligence in their curriculum delivery and again students in the top 5% of this kind of intelligence are bored easily without some sort of extension and acceleration. THE LOGICALLY GIFTED CHILD recognizes patterns in number sequences and puzzles easily. They like structure. They have excellent memories for data are observant and learn rapidly and early. They tend to sort, categorize and count from a very early age. Ability in Chess or Backgammon used to be viewed as indicators of logical intelligence but is now understood to be an indicator of SPATIAL intelligence.
SENSUAL INTELLIGENCE..................................
This type of intelligence is easily confused with BODY intelligence. Body intelligence is closely associated with a kinesthetic learning style. Sensual intelligence is best described as having a heightened ability to process information received through the 5 senses. THE SENSUALLY GIFTED CHILD often has one or more of the following abilities: near photographic recall of images, print and visually presented information and /or ability with color, exceptional acting ability or ability to express him or herself through dance or movement, exceptional attention to audio detail (hearing irritating high frequencies or rattles and clinks that elude our attention), amazing sense of smell (picking up odors long before the rest of us and actively bringing food, flowers, perfume anything that potentially has a scent to the nostrils), a love of food and talent for combining flavors that we may not ordinarily have considered.
SPIRITUAL INTELLIGENCE................................
In Maslow's hierarchy of human needs spiritual intelligence corresponds to the comprehensive intelligence that is the ultimate human goal. It is only usually apparent when all of the other intelligences are operating at a similarly high level. It is not the Genius Quotient which is an x-factor all its own but it is an integrating and unifying intelligence. IN THE SPIRITUALLY GIFTED CHILD the ability to forsee consequences and implications continually present. These children seem almost irrepressibly happy and radiate a kind of capability which is obvious but untrumpeted and free of arrogance. They tend to do what they say they will do and feel at one with everyone and everything. They are especially curious about nature and the natural world.
SPATIAL INTELLIGENCE.....................................
This intelligence is primarily an intrinsic ability to comprehend things in three dimensional space. It is the same sort of intelligence whether manifesting in an astronomer, graphic artist, sculptor, mechanic or surgeon. IN THE SPATIALLY GIFTED CHILD the relationship of objects to the child and to each other is comprehended holistically. Seldom lost in a shopping mall or when Dad takes all the backroads to a familiar destination, these children are often good at chess and enjoy conceptually challenging puzzles.
BODY INTELLIGENCE...........................................
This intelligence, as the label suggests, is closely associated with the body and being in tune with it and its needs. THE BODY INTELLIGENT GIFTED CHILD has wonderful motor skills, coordination and balance. She or he likes exercise, movement, sport, dance, drama and to play musical instruments. These children also display a keen interest in how their body works and the value of different foods to making it perform better. Health and fitness are keen interest areas.
This intelligence is a most endearing intelligence. THE INTERPERSONALLY INTELLIGENT GIFTED CHILD understands and empathizes with people in a way that leads you to believe that there is a much older person inside that little frame. These children show great awareness of the feelings of others. They have an uncanny ability to mimic and roll play behaviors that show insight into the feelings of others. This is a special and delightful intelligence appreciated as much in the gifted child as the resulting adult.
GENIUS QUOTIENT ............................................
This is a list of qualities that typify and differentiate Genius from the multitalented or sublimely singularly talented GIFTED human being. The list is taken verbatim from Page 13 of "Buzan's Book of Genius" Published by Stanley Paul and Company Limited an imprint of Random House, 20 Vauxhall Bridge Road, London SW1V 2SA. (ISBN 0 09 178551 0). They comprise the distillation of Buzan and Keene's observations about the common elements displayed by the greatest genius of recorded history.
(1) Vision (2) Desire (3) Faith (4) Commitment (5) Planning (6) Persistence (7) Learning from Mistakes (8) Subject Knowledge (9) Mental Literacy (10) Imagination (11) Positive Attitude (12) Autosuggestion (13) Intuition (14) Mastermind group (real) (15) Mastermind group (internal) (16) Truth/honesty (17) Facing fears/courage (18) Creativity/ flexibility (19) Love of the task (20) Energy (physical/sensual/sexual)